Suffering II.

Blessed is the man who endures the test with strength, for when he has passed, he will receive the crown of life. (James 1:12)

When facing suffering, the first step towards healthy attitudes is to overcome the pain in the circumstances and in the way that is necessary. This helps to avoid uncontrolled actions, which usually lead to unfavorable consequences.

Intense suffering can cloud your judgment and put you at risk of making poor decisions. Self-control includes avoiding decisions until you are in the best possible mental state.

- Don’t make decisions in moments of despair.

- Avoid deciding in times of crisis.

- Don’t respond to a letter when you’re hungry.

Once you’ve reached this basic equilibrium, it’s important to focus on identifying the problems causing the suffering.

- Understanding a problem is more than half of its solution. (José Martí)

- There is no cure for an unknown ailment.

Next, organize yourself to solve them. Make it a rule to move from suffering to identifying the problems that cause it, and from there to seeking solutions. This way of thinking should become a habit.

- From suffering to identifying the problems that cause it, and from there to solving them.


Overcoming trials and difficulties with strength is key to receiving the rewards of life. The key is to consciously and controlledly overcome pain, avoiding impulsive actions that usually have negative consequences. It’s vital to stay calm and not make decisions when you feel desolate or in crisis, as intense suffering clouds your mind and puts you at risk of making mistakes. Patience and self-control are your best allies in these moments, allowing you to wait until your mental state is optimal for making clear decisions.

Once you have reached a basic emotional balance, it is crucial to focus on identifying the problems that cause the suffering. Understanding a problem is more than half of the solution, as you cannot cure what you do not know. Organize yourself to solve the problems, making it a habit to move from suffering to identifying its causes and from there to seeking solutions. This approach not only helps you manage pain but also strengthens you, leading you to a fuller and more rewarding life.

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Suffering II. By Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández

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  1. The writing of Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández, entitled "Suffering II", addresses in a deep and reflective way the issue of human suffering and the healthy attitudes that we can adopt to face it. The biblical quote from James 1:12 highlights the importance of enduring trials with fortitude, promising life as a reward to those who manage to overcome these challenges.
    The author invites us to an introspection on how we handle suffering, highlighting the importance of self-control and patience in moments of crisis. It reminds us that decisions made in moments of desolation or crisis are usually impulsive and lead to negative consequences. Instead, waiting to reach an optimal mental state before making any decision is essential to avoid mistakes and mitigate suffering.
    In addition, Dr. Sánchez Hernández stresses the importance of identifying the causes of suffering. Knowing a problem is, in his words, more than half of its solution, and there is no possible cure for an unknown evil. This perspective invites us to a deep reflection on our own lives, encouraging us to not only endure suffering, but to use it as a tool to get to know ourselves better and find solutions to the underlying problems.
    The approach proposed by the author is methodical and practical: from suffering to the identification of problems and from there to the search for solutions. This process, turned into a habit, not only helps us manage pain more effectively, but also strengthens us and guides us towards a more fulfilling and rewarding life.
    In conclusion, "Suffering II" is a call to resilience and emotional wisdom. It reminds us that although pain is inevitable, our responses to it can be controlled and directed towards personal growth. The message of Dr. Sánchez Hernández is clear: with patience, self-control and a conscious approach, we can transform suffering into an opportunity for self-improvement and well-being.


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