Suffering I.


Just as fish are caught in a net and birds in a trap, so too can a man find himself caught in a bad moment when he least expects it. (Ecclesiastes 9:12)

Even in the best conditions, every human regularly faces situations, problems, and conflicts that cause some degree of suffering, making pain an inseparable part of existence.

- If you don't want to face hardships in life, you shouldn't be born.

- Pleasure and suffering are both parts of human existence.

A positive aspect of pain is that it indicates something is wrong in an individual's life and needs to be addressed. It creates a sense of urgency to make necessary changes that wouldn't be made from a place of comfort.

- The goad gets the ox out of the mud.

In this sense, pain is always an opportunity to grow as a person, get to know yourself, and mature.

- No one has grown without suffering.

- He who has not been tested knows little. (Ecclesiasticus 34:10)

- If you don't fall, you can't get up.

- Just as gold is tested in fire, so are men in the furnace of suffering. (Ecclesiasticus 2:5)

- What once felt like a hurricane we now see as the wind opening new paths.

Among the deviations related to suffering is giving in to despair and the disorganization it causes, which, far from solving the problems that cause pain, tend to make them worse.

- Those who despair in misfortune only increase it.

- If you lose your head in difficult situations, you'll only make things worse.

- Despair remedies nothing.

Some people try to quickly overcome anxiety through medication without addressing the underlying problems causing it. This causes the problems to persist, leading to indefinite discomfort. Additionally, using medication can lead to habituation or addiction, adding another problem to solve.

- Nothing will be done in you without you.

Facing problems usually intensifies the pain momentarily until they are resolved, so many people avoid it, which delays something that will have to be faced later, sometimes with greater difficulty.

- The man who hesitates in resolving urgent matters is guilty of making destiny angry and placing obstacles.

- Those who postpone their decisions from one day to the next always live burdened by troubles.

- Prevent disorder before it grows bigger.

Sometimes individuals waste energy on unproductive worries or useless complaints instead of focusing on what needs to be done to solve problems.

- Tears don't let you see the way.

- It's useless to cry over spilled milk.

- Shouts won't put out the fire.

- The more you grieve, the greater your loss.

- Time shouldn't be wasted suffering; it should be spent fulfilling our duties. (José Martí)


In life, we all face difficult moments that we cannot avoid. Problems and suffering are part of human existence, but they are also opportunities to grow and improve. While pain indicates that something is wrong and changes are needed, it also provides a chance to know ourselves better and mature. Facing and overcoming challenges makes us stronger and wiser, so it's important not to fall into despair or seek quick fixes without addressing the root causes of our problems.

Avoiding or postponing the resolution of problems only makes them bigger and harder to handle in the future. Instead of worrying or lamenting, we should focus on the necessary actions to overcome obstacles. Suffering can be tough, but it's also an opportunity to grow and improve. We shouldn't waste time on useless complaints; instead, we should act and fulfill our responsibilities to move forward in life.

Related Posts: Suffering II.

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Suffering I. By Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernánde.

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