Gratitude II.


Good days give you happiness, bad days give you lessons; both are necessary.

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As proposals for healthy attitudes, consider the benefits you have today as temporary blessings to be enjoyed while they last.

- There is no feast that does not come to an end.

And as gifts of life that should be appreciated.

- Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift.

Instead of suffering for what you had and lost, be thankful for having had it.

- Just because something doesn’t last forever doesn’t mean it wasn’t an incredible gift.

- The highest tribute to those you have lost is not grief but gratitude.

Be thankful even for the difficult moments because they make us grow.

- When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you and grow.

And without ceasing to seek necessary improvements, be thankful and enjoy every moment of the present.

- To be truly grateful, you must be present.

- A wise person is grateful for what they have rather than grieving for what they lack.

- Make every day and every moment count.

This frees one from an endless race to always obtain more and allows happiness with small or simple things.

- Life becomes a celebration when you know how to enjoy the ordinary things.

- Gratitude turns what we have into enough.

As well as becoming aware that life is worth living.

- We feel alive when we are aware of life’s blessings.

- The happiness you are seeking is hidden behind every appreciation.

- It is not happy people who are grateful, but grateful people who are happy.


As proposals for healthy attitudes, consider present benefits as temporary blessings to be enjoyed while available and as life’s gifts that deserve gratitude. Instead of suffering for what you had and lost, you should be thankful for having had it. It is also important to give thanks for difficult moments, as they make us grow. Without ceasing to seek necessary improvements, it is essential to be thankful and enjoy every moment of the present, which allows happiness with small or simple things. This frees one from an endless race to always obtain more and makes one aware that life is worth living. Gratitude is key to happiness, as it is not happy people who are grateful, but grateful people who are happy.

Related entries: Gratitude (First part), Optimism. 

Gratitude (Second part) by Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández (Rapula)

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