Gratitude I.

Grateful people are happier.

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Generally, every human being has numerous elements in their life that are very beneficial and potentially enjoyable.

-       Always, always, always there is something to be grateful for.

-       There are always flowers for those who want to see them.

However, deviations can occur, such as perceiving these benefits as eternal.

-       There is no benefit that cannot be lost.

-       We have an almost infinite capacity to take benefits for granted.

-        Often, we take for granted the benefits that most deserve our gratitude.

And seeing them as absolutely deserved, and therefore not appreciating, enjoying, or thanking them.

-       He who feels entitled to everything will hardly be grateful for anything.

From this stance, it is common for these blessings to be appreciated only when they are lost or at risk of being lost.

-       You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.

One may also not enjoy present benefits by being anchored to the past, suffering over what was had and lost.

-       Tears prevent you from seeing the road.

-       He who does not look ahead stays behind.

-       Water that has passed will not turn the mill.

Or by being fervently engaged in the pursuit of what is desired but not yet attained.

-     Some don’t enjoy the beauty of the journey by focusing on how far they have to go.

-       If you focus on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.

-       If you are not grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you will be happy with more?

Or by focusing almost exclusively on the negative aspects of the past, present, or future.

-       Don’t waste the good by complaining about the bad.


Every human being has numerous beneficial and enjoyable elements in their life; there is always something to be grateful for. However, it is common to take these benefits as eternal and deserved, leading to not appreciating or enjoying them adequately. Often, they are only valued when lost or at risk of being lost. Not enjoying the present due to being anchored to the past or focused on what is desired and not yet attained, as well as concentrating on negative aspects, impedes appreciating the positive.

Related entries: Forgiveness (First Part), Forgiveness (Second Part), Optimism.

Gratitude by Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández (Rapula)

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