What is Alcoholism

Have you ever wondered why some adults can't stop drinking even when they know it's not good for them? Well, that's what we call alcoholism, and I want to explain it to you in a simple and motivational way.

Alcoholism in Simple Terms

Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder, is when a person can't control their drinking and continues to drink despite negative consequences. It's not just about drinking a lot; it's about their body and mind becoming dependent on alcohol to function.

How Does It Start?

It all starts with an occasional drink at a party or with friends. But some people start drinking more and more because they seek that feeling of relaxation or euphoria that alcohol gives them. Over time, their body gets used to alcohol, and they need to drink more to feel the same. This is called "tolerance."

The Trap of Alcoholism

1. Need to Drink: They reach a point where they feel they need to drink to get through the day. If they don't drink, they can feel physically and emotionally unwell.

2. Loss of Control: They try to stop drinking or cut down, but they can't. This causes problems in their daily life, at work, school, and with friends and family.

3. Affects Everything: Alcoholism not only affects the body (liver problems, heart issues, etc.) but also the mind, leading to depression and anxiety. Additionally, they may get into legal trouble or have accidents.

 Why Is It Important to Talk About This?

Talking about alcoholism is crucial because knowing what it is and how it starts can help you make smart decisions about drinking. It's not about scaring you, but giving you the tools to live a healthy and full life without falling into the alcohol trap.

You Have the Control

Remember, being a teenager is an incredible time of discovery and fun. You can enjoy life and parties without needing alcohol. Keep control of your life, find activities you're passionate about, surround yourself with friends who support you, and make healthy choices together.

Keep Your Future Bright

Alcoholism is a trap that's hard to escape once you're in. The good news is that you have the power to avoid it. Stay informed, seek help if you feel you need support, and always choose what's best for your health and well-being.

You Can Do It!

Make smart decisions today for a bright and opportunity-filled tomorrow.

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What is Alcoholism: By Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández

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