Mistakes I.

 If we close our eyes to our mistakes, they will be there when we open them again.

Mistakes are inevitable and are a decisive factor in personal growth, which depends on the attitudes you have towards them.

- Your mistakes do not define you, it is your attitudes and actions after making them that make the difference.

Among the inadequate and unproductive ones are the refusal to accept them.

- If you deny your mistakes you do not learn from them.

- You could learn more from your mistakes if you were not so busy denying them.

- Not accepting mistakes is the first step to making many more.

Living tormented by supposed mistakes made in the past uselessly consumes mental effort that could be used to live in the present and build a good future.

- We are much more than the mistakes we have made.

- A big mistake is to ruin the present by remembering a past that no longer has a future.

- Let us not waste time, making peace with ourselves is urgent.

To blame others, the education received or the circumstances for them, which prevents us from understanding them, correcting them and acquiring the necessary experience.

- Blaming others for your mistakes will not make them go away.

- Accept responsibility for your mistakes and learn from them.

Justify your own mistakes with mistakes made by others, which causes conformism and complacency towards them.

- Other people's mistakes do not justify your own.

Not tolerating others' mistakes, which is generally accompanied by an excess of softness towards one's own mistakes.

- There are those who pounce on other people's mistakes like a sparrow hawk, but treat their own like a dove on its eggs.

Indolence of those who do not care about committing them, usually for lack of motivation for the task or for not understanding the importance of it. This leads to justifications of the faults committed and lack of quality in what is done.

- Those who want to do things find the means, those who don't want to do them find justifications.

Fear of committing them paralyzes action.

- It is not the bird that falls to the ground while rehearsing its first flight that makes a mistake, but the one that renounces to fly for fear of falling.

- Fear of making mistakes is a mistake.

And the unnecessary persistence in mistakes that causes the same negative results to continue to be obtained over and over again.

- The man who has made a mistake and does not correct it, makes another mistake. 

- He ridicules himself who eternally repeats the same mistake.

- Stubbornness is the constancy of fools.

- To err is human, to persist in error is foolish.

- What has he who persists in his mistakes learned from them?


Mistakes are inevitable and are crucial for personal growth, depending on how we face them. Dysfunctional attitudes towards them include: Denying our mistakes prevents us from learning from them and growing. Living tormented by past mistakes consumes energies that could be better used in the present. Blaming others or circumstances for our mistakes prevents us from understanding and correcting our actions. Justifying our mistakes with the mistakes of others leads to conformism. Not tolerating the mistakes of others while being indulgent with our own reveals a lack of fairness. Indolence and lack of motivation lead to excuses and poor quality in our actions. Fear of making mistakes paralyzes action, preventing personal growth. Persisting in mistakes without correcting them only leads to repeated negative results and reveals a lack of learning.

Related Entries: Mistakes II. 

Main Page - English - Portuguese - Setswana

Mistakes I. By Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández

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