Migration and Marriage: Overcoming the Challenges of Migratory Grief Together.

Hi everyone!

Today, I want to talk about a very important and close-to-the-heart topic: the impact of migration on marriages when both spouses travel. Migration is a challenging and brave process, especially when this decision is made as a couple. Let's explore how the effects of migratory grief manifest in marriages to better understand the emotions and challenges faced in this difficult process. 💖✨

1. Insecurity and Fear 😟💔

- New Beginnings: Being in a new place without an immediate support network can make both feel insecure. This insecurity comes from the fear of the unknown and the lack of familiarity with the new environment. Adapting to a new country involves many changes and challenges that can generate anxiety.

2. Exhaustion and Lack of Time ⏳💤

- Work Overload: At the beginning of migration, it's common for both spouses to face long working hours to stabilize economically. This can result in excessive fatigue, affecting their time and energy to dedicate to each other. Lack of time together can create emotional and physical distance, even reducing opportunities for intimacy.

- Busy Routines: Adapting to new jobs and responsibilities can consume much of their time, leaving little room for rest and connection as a couple. This can lead to emotional and physical needs of the relationship not being adequately met.

3. Irritability and Stress 😠😩

- Frustration: The frustration of not being able to express or fully understand their feelings can manifest in irritability or aggressive behaviors. Both can feel exhausted and frustrated trying to balance their emotions with the demands of their new life.

- Conflicts: Lack of time, excessive stress, and fatigue can increase tension in the relationship, resulting in more frequent conflicts. These can be hard to manage when both are emotionally and physically drained, and lack of intimacy can further aggravate these issues.

4. Lack of Communication and Quality Time Together 🗣️⏰

- Limited Communication: Work overload and lack of time can lead to poor communication. Without time to talk and share, small concerns can turn into big problems, creating misunderstandings and resentments.

- Quality Time: Not having quality time together can weaken the emotional connection. It's essential to find moments, no matter how small, to reconnect and keep the relationship alive.

5. Absence of Family Support and Nostalgia 😢🏡

- Away from Loved Ones: The absence of close family and friends can lead to deep sadness and nostalgia. Missing their loved ones and routines from their previous home can cause feelings of emptiness and loss, especially during holidays or special events.

- Loneliness: Without an immediate support network, the feeling of loneliness can be overwhelming. This can make the couple depend even more on each other, which can sometimes be an emotional burden that is hard to carry.

6. Adaptation and Growth 🌱💪

- New Experiences: Despite the challenges, migration can also be an opportunity to grow together and learn to face adversity as a team. Embrace the new experiences and discover your new environment together.

- Strengthening the Relationship: Going through these challenges together can strengthen the relationship if both support each other and maintain open and honest communication.

Facing migratory grief together can be difficult, but with love, patience, and mutual support, you can overcome these challenges and strengthen your relationship.

With love, your friend in promoting health. 💙

Migration and Marriage: Overcoming the Challenges of Migratory Grief Together. By Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández

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