
Tolerance is a Difficult Learning, but Possible and Necessary

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Every human being has to face, from birth, ways of thinking, feeling, and acting different from their own, so it is necessary to learn to live with diversity, which is a difficult learning, although not impossible.

- Tolerance is not innate; it is learned.

Inappropriate attitudes towards these differences include seeing them as errors to be eliminated or punished.

- To the intolerant, difference is an error, error is a wrong, and wrong must be eradicated.

- The intolerant seeks to replicate themselves endlessly by molding the rest of humanity in their image.

But this rejection is not genetic; it originates in ignorance of the other, the belief that one holds the only valid perspective of reality and therefore an "absolute truth," and a fear that this truth will be affected by others' differences.

- The intolerant doesn't say: "I don't share your opinion," but rather: "You are completely wrong."

All of the above often leads to justifying the means used to avoid or punish the differences of others.

- The intolerant believes their "absolute truth" gives them the right to trample on the most basic rights of others.

Another unproductive attitude is allowing expressions of differences that violate one's own rights or those of others.

- Accepting the violation of your rights is not tolerance but passivity.

And this extends to accepting the "right" that many claim to be tolerated acting intolerantly.

- It is nonsense to claim to defend tolerance by tolerating the intolerant.

As proposals for healthy attitudes, respect for diversity can be mentioned, which is the basis of peace and good understanding among people.

- The purpose of tolerance is peaceful coexistence.

- Without tolerance, living together is a punishment.

- For there to be peace, tolerance must be practiced by everyone.

As long as expressions of others' differences do not violate one's own rights and the defense of these rights is done respecting others' rights to avoid becoming a transgressor oneself by being intolerant.

- The faults of others do not justify our own.

- It is nonsense, in the name of tolerance, to be intolerant with the intolerant.

- Let’s avoid fighting intolerance only to establish another form of it.


Tolerance is an essential and necessary learning process, as from birth, we encounter various ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. This learning is not innate but acquired over time and is fundamental for living with diversity. Inappropriate attitudes, such as viewing differences as errors to be eliminated, stem from ignorance and the fear that these differences challenge a perspective considered the only valid one, which can lead to justifying extreme measures to avoid or punish these differences.

Promoting respect for diversity is crucial, as it forms the basis of peace and good understanding among people. Accepting others' differences without violating one's own rights, and defending these while respecting others' rights, is vital to avoid becoming a transgressor oneself.

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Tolerance. By Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández.

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