Sense of Humor

Don't open a shop unless you like to smile.

Homepage - Spanish  - Setswana

What would human existence, so full of contradictions and problems, be without a sense of humor? Possibly like a world without colors, music, or flavors. This quality consists of the ability to see reality highlighting its comic, cheerful, or ridiculous side.

It conveys an optimistic view of life, promotes communication and emotional harmony, reduces tensions that may arise in any type of interpersonal relationship, makes the company of those who have it fun and entertaining, and denotes intelligence, as well as good physical and mental health.

It is a refined social skill that is always accompanied by timeliness, authenticity, and sensitivity, without which it degenerates into any of its multiple deviations, among which the following can be mentioned:

The lack of humor of the extraordinarily serious whose company is boring.

- Distrust the monk and the warrior who never laugh: they take themselves too seriously.

The inappropriateness of trying to be funny in circumstances where jokes are poorly received.

- Where everyone comes out crying, I cannot go in singing.

- Neither laugh where they cry nor cry where they laugh.

The one who makes jokes so far removed from the experience of those who hear them that they are incomprehensible and not amusing.

- Study the humor of people and adapt to each of them.

The inauthentic that sounds false or eager to please.

- The desire to seem funny sometimes prevents becoming so.

The vulgar or crude whose sense of humor feels like offensive mockery.

- Some people are a leaden stream and think they are a sweet treat.

- Ten minutes with the obnoxious joker give a stroke.


A sense of humor consists of the ability to see reality highlighting its comic, cheerful, or ridiculous side. It conveys an optimistic view of life, promotes communication and emotional harmony, reduces tensions in interpersonal relationships, makes the company more fun and entertaining, and denotes intelligence and good physical and mental health.

It is a refined social skill that should always be accompanied by timeliness, authenticity, and sensitivity. Without these elements, it can degenerate into several deviations: the lack of humor of the extraordinarily serious whose company is boring; the inappropriateness of trying to be funny in inappropriate circumstances; incomprehensible humor that does not connect with the experiences of others; inauthentic humor that sounds false or eager to please; and vulgar or crude humor that feels offensive.

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Homepage - Spanish  - Setswana

Sense of Humor. By by Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández

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