Humility II.

What is not advertised is not sold

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On the other extreme of pride are the lack of self-love and shyness. The former makes a person lose their sense of dignity and can lead to self-contempt.

-    He who bows too much shows his backside.

-    He who bends over too much, shows his backside.

-    He who does not respect himself invites misfortune.

Shyness is characterized by an excess of social inhibitions, as well as consideration and regard for others, which result in not claiming the deserved respect and social recognition.

-    Where the virtuous are modest, the ambitious prevail. (José Martí)

-    A timid heart does not gain honors.

-    No coward ever reached the heights.

-    Those who are overly modest neither eat nor lunch.

It's not about always hiding our merits, as sometimes it is necessary to showcase them.

-    Do not refrain from speaking when it is necessary. (Ecclesiasticus 4:23)

-    It is bad to be silent when it is time to speak.

-    Good wisdom is to be silent until it is time to speak.

-    God does not hear a mouth that does not speak.

-    A baby that does not cry, does not get fed.

Moreover, in the modern world, assuming a passive stance towards promoting the products and services generated gives an advantage to the competition.

-  What is not shown is not sold.

-  What is not seen is not sold.

-  One cannot desire what one does not know exists.

-  He who does not show, does not advertise, does not offer, does not sell. No one buys what they are unaware of. (José Martí)


At the opposite end of pride is the lack of self-love, which can lead to self-contempt. This lack causes people not to respect themselves, which can attract misfortune. Shyness, another extreme vice of humility, involves an excess of social inhibitions and consideration for others, preventing the claim of deserved respect and social recognition, affecting the opportunities to achieve honors and accomplishments.

But it is not about always hiding our merits; sometimes it is necessary to expose them. In the modern world, a passive stance towards promoting products and services gives an advantage to the competition. It is crucial to speak and promote what is offered adequately, as no one can desire what they do not know exists. Therefore, active promotion is essential for success and recognition.

Related entries: Humility (First part)Humility (Third part).

Home Page - Spanish - Setswana 

Humility (Second Part) by Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández (Rapula)

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