Loss of a Loved One II.

You never forget someone important in your life; you just learn to live without them.

Home Page - Spanish - Setswana 

As proposals for healthy attitudes towards grief, accepting the reality and irreversibility of the death of a loved one is crucial.

- What was yesterday is not today. (Afro-Cuban proverb)

- Accept what cannot be changed.

Viewing crying and other cultural expressions to drain pain as normal and necessary behaviors after a great loss, rather than as signs of weakness or cowardice, is essential. True strength in the new reality consists of deciding and maintaining the decision to intelligently navigate through the different stages of grief, which includes seeking space with a minimum of privacy to vent by crying or talking, and seeking help if necessary.

- Knowing how to suffer makes suffering less.

- Shared sorrow is less sorrow.

Forgiving oneself allows for remembering the deceased and thinking about their loss without feelings of guilt.

- No one fulfills all their roles perfectly at all times.

- If you have been able to forgive others, what prevents you from forgiving yourself?

Learning to live and reconnect with life through goals in the absence of the deceased is necessary, ensuring that the deceased, while still important, is not the center of existence.

- Your life will move forward when you discard attitudes that hold you back.


To face grief in a healthy way, it is essential to accept the reality and irreversibility of the loss of a loved one. Conceiving crying and other cultural expressions as normal and necessary behaviors, and not as signs of weakness, is crucial to releasing pain. True strength lies in intelligently navigating through the stages of grief, seeking privacy to vent and help when necessary. Forgiving oneself is essential to remembering the deceased without guilt. Finally, learning to live and reconnect with life through new goals, without the deceased being the center of existence, is key to moving forward.

Related entries: Loss of a Loved One (First Part)

Loss of a Loved One. (Second Part) by Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández (Rapula)

Home Page - Spanish - Setswana

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