Frustration I.

Hitting the Wall with Your Head Won't Make a Hole

Frustration arises from suffering over something one desires but has not yet obtained, or has achieved but not in the expected way.

In this state, negative attitudes can emerge such as evading responsibilities and blaming others, which makes finding solutions difficult.

- A bad dancer blames the floor.

Due to an intolerance for pain, an individual may give up and abandon the pursuit of their goal, even when there is still a possibility of achieving it.

- Woe to those who cannot bear patiently! What will they do when life tests them?

The lack of self-control caused by frustration can lead to unjustifiably attacking others or oneself, which creates new problems.

- If you lose your head in difficult situations, you will only make things worse.

- He who despairs in trouble only increases it. (Panchatantra)

- Despair remedies nothing.

One might also, mindlessly, persist in the same ineffective procedures, without any evidence that they will eventually work.

- To err is human, to persist in error is foolish.

- Stubbornness is the perseverance of fools.


In frustration, suffering arises from something desired but not yet obtained or achieved, but not in the expected way. In this state, negative attitudes such as evading responsibilities and blaming others can make finding solutions difficult. Intolerance of pain can lead an individual to give up the pursuit of their goal, even when there are still possibilities of achieving it. The lack of self-control when angered by frustration can lead to unjustifiably lashing out at others or oneself, creating new problems. One might also, mindlessly, persist in the same ineffective procedures.

Related Entries: Frustration II.

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Frustrations I. By Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández (Rapula).

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