How to Tell if You Have Alcohol Problems.

 Is Alcohol Becoming a Problem in Your Life? Recognize the Signs and Take Control!

Sometimes, it’s hard to know if alcohol has become an issue in our lives. But don’t worry! Here are some clear signs that can help you identify if alcohol is negatively affecting you. If you recognize yourself in any of these situations, it might be time to make a change.

1. Quantity and Frequency:

Quantity Criterion: If you’re drinking 1/4 bottle of hard liquor (rum, vodka, etc.), a bottle of wine, or five half-bottles of beer (about 1750 ml) in a single day, that’s a red flag. We’re talking about 90 to 100 grams of alcohol in 24 hours. That’s a lot!

Frequency Criterion: If you consume alcohol three or more times a week, or you’ve gotten drunk more than 12 times in the last year, it’s time to pay attention. Alcohol shouldn’t be such a regular part of your life.

2. Harmfulness Criterion (Damaging Effects):

Is alcohol harming you? Here are some ways to tell:

- Physical Health: Do you have health problems like gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, or nerve pain? Alcohol could be the culprit.

- Mental Health: Do you often feel depressed, anxious, guilty, or irritable? Alcohol might be affecting your mind.

- Social Life: Have you lost jobs, separated from your partner or family, or had legal issues? Alcohol might be wreaking havoc on your social life.

- Spirituality: Do you feel like life has lost its meaning or that you’ve lost your values? Alcohol might be clouding your spirit.

3. Slavery Criterion (Loss of Control):

Alcohol shouldn’t control your life. Here are some signs that it’s starting to:

- Loss of Control: Can’t stop once you start drinking? That’s a sign that alcohol is taking over.

- Inability to Abstain: Can’t go more than two days without drinking? That shows a strong dependence.

- Daily Need: Feel like you need to drink to function in your day-to-day or to avoid feeling bad? This is a clear sign of addiction.

4. Labeling Criterion (What Others Say and How You See Yourself):

Sometimes, those around us see the problem before we do:

- External Labeling: Have friends or family told you that you’re drinking too much? Don’t ignore their concerns. They care about you and want what’s best for you.

- Self-Labeling: Have you realized yourself that you have a problem with alcohol? Recognizing it is a brave and crucial step toward recovery. Looking in the mirror and accepting that there’s a problem is the first big step to changing your life.

If you see yourself in any of these situations, don’t be discouraged. Acknowledging the problem is the first step toward solving it. Seek support from friends, family, or professionals. There are many resources and people ready to help you overcome this.

Remember, every day is a new opportunity to make a positive change in your life. You have the strength and courage to overcome any challenge! Keep your head up and move forward. Your future is bright and full of possibilities!

With affection, your friend in promoting health. 💙

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How to Tell if You Have Alcohol Problems. By Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández.

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