
Self-Confidence Enables the Full Use of Genuine Resources

Lack of self-confidence leads to the failure of many endeavors, and many others are never even attempted despite having all the necessary resources and capabilities.

This quality consists of the conviction that one is capable of successfully facing certain situations. It does not expand one's potential but allows for the optimal use of existing resources, highlighting its immense importance.

- Without self-confidence, we are only a part of ourselves.

It's not about convincing oneself, against all evidence, that something can be achieved, which is unlikely to yield satisfactory results. True self-confidence must be supported by reason and facts.

- He who ignores reason will surely suffer its consequences.

Generally, self-confidence develops progressively as satisfactory results are achieved in specific areas, allowing a person to understand their capabilities.

- Everyone learns their abilities through experience.

This quality increases the ability to fully utilize all available resources and skills in tasks where one feels confident, thus enhancing the likelihood of continued success.

- Success breeds success.

The way others perceive us is greatly influenced by how we perceive ourselves. This is one reason why self-confidence and the behaviors it fosters attract the trust of others, improving leadership ability and interpersonal relations.

- Trust yourself, and others will trust you.

- He who trusts in himself will be a leader among many.

One extreme of this quality is self-doubt, characterized by feelings of inadequacy in the face of life's demands, which divert attention to internal obstacles in the form of fears, doubts, and inhibitions, preventing the full use of existing resources and capabilities.

- Fear, doubt, and self-distrust weaken a person's faculties.

A person who lacks self-confidence shows this insecurity in their words and actions, leading others to also doubt them.

- If you don’t have confidence in yourself, who will?

- He who lacks sufficient faith will not be entrusted with the faith of others. (Lao Tzu)

Acting with insecurity also invites rejection.

- He who asks timidly invites refusal.

- He who asks without faith invites denial.

At the other extreme is the false self-confidence of one who believes they have resources and abilities they do not actually possess, which is a near-perfect formula for failure. What will they do when they need to use what they mistakenly believe they have?

- If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. (Galatians 6:3)


Without self-confidence, many endeavors fail or are never attempted, despite having the necessary resources and capabilities. This quality consists of the conviction that one can successfully face certain situations, and it does not expand potential but allows for its optimal use. Self-confidence must be based on reason and facts, and it develops progressively with satisfactory results in various areas. This quality not only enhances the ability to use all available resources and skills but also influences how others perceive us, attracting their trust and improving our leadership abilities. On the opposite end are insecurity and false confidence, which can lead to failure by focusing on internal obstacles or relying on nonexistent resources.

Related Entries:

Self-Confidence by Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández

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