
Home Page - Spanish - Setswana

I swear, on the life of my loved ones, that I will refuse for 24 hours the consumption of the toxic substances that enslave me and I will avoid tempting conversations and meetings about them.

I will always keep in mind that the artificial pleasure they give me turns into notable suffering for those who love me, and obstacles to my goals in life.

The suffering of my parents is very great, because when they brought me into the world, they had different aspirations for me than for me to become a drug addict. I too have other plans and suffer from my addiction.

For my loved ones and for myself, I must rehabilitate myself.

Related entries:

Oath for Addicts by Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández (Rapula)

Home Page - Spanish - Setswana

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Bubok Page: https://www.bubok.es/autores/rapula

Group 1: https://www.facebook.com/groups/valuesandmentalhealth

Group 2: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lovetipsforyou

Twitter: https://twitter.com/asanchez700908

E.mail: asanchez700908@gmail.com

Telegram: https://t.me/ajsh70



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