Life with Purpose II.

When someone knows what they want, the universe clears the way.

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As a proposal for healthy positions, it is important to have achievable goals.

- If you know you won't reach the goal, don't start. 

- Time should not be wasted attempting what there is ample reason to believe cannot be achieved. (José Martí)

Although the fact that most people find it impossible does not mean it truly is. Many people with great goals, who ended up with very successful results, initially lacked the support of their loved ones who did not understand.

- Great dreams often seem crazy at first.

- It always seems impossible until it's done.

- A person with a new idea is a crank until it succeeds.

- The impossible recedes when you advance towards it.

Goals should provide the feeling of being useful, which means they should contribute to the well-being and happiness of others through products or services.

- Seeking joy, I found that life is service. I served and found that service is joy.

- Let every man learn to do something that others need. (José Martí)

It is important that they are a projection of our being and that we have a genuine commitment to them, which is one of the pillars of success.

- The moment you commit yourself, the achievement of your objective is almost certain.

- When you know what you want and want it badly enough, you will find ways to get it.

Pursuing goals with which one feels truly passionate and that constitute the reason for one's existence is the foundation of happiness.

- Two important dates in your life are the day you were born and the day you found out why.

- To beautify life is to give it purpose. (José Martí)

- If you want to be happy, find goals that steer your thoughts.

- Only after having a defined purpose in life can we achieve peace of mind. Only after achieving peace of mind can we enjoy peaceful rest. (Confucius)

And it marks an important moment in a person's maturity.

- A true passion suddenly transforms a teenager into a man.

They make one attentive to opportunities and sharpen the skills to take advantage of them.

- He who has a goal in sight makes all things help him achieve it.

- The lame person outpaces the one who is off the path (toward the goal).

But passion is not enough; adequate planning is important to organize actions and make rational and optimal use of available resources.

- Careful planning leads to good results; but hasty plans lead to ruin. (Proverbs 21:5)

Execute concrete actions directed towards their achievement.

- No pain, no gain.

And maintain the necessary discipline to achieve them.

- Discipline is the bridge between your goals and your achievements.

- Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.

- Become the person who attracts the results you seek.


Having achievable goals and a genuine commitment to them is fundamental to success. Having defined purposes in life provides tranquility and allows one to enjoy a fulfilling existence while also being crucial for personal growth.

Additionally, our goals should contribute to the well-being and happiness of others. Proper planning and rational use of available resources, as well as discipline and execution of concrete actions, are necessary to turn our goals into achievements. In summary, having clear goals, genuine commitment, planning, discipline, and a focus on serving others are the pillars for achieving success and happiness.

Related entries: Life with Purpose I.

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Life with Purpose II by Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández

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