How to Identify Triggers and Take Control Over Alcohol

Overcoming an addiction is a huge achievement, but staying on the path of sobriety has its own challenges too. One of the most important steps to avoid relapses is identifying and managing your triggers. What’s a trigger? Basically, it’s those situations, emotions, or people that make you want to use again. Here are some suggestions to discover and manage your triggers, and keep moving forward with strength and determination.

1. Know Yourself: Start by reflecting on your past experiences. When did you feel the strongest urge to drink or use? What was happening at those times? It might be that certain places, activities, or even specific people make you feel more vulnerable. Write down those moments and patterns you identify.

2. Keep a Journal: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be super helpful. Every time you feel the urge to use, jot down what you were doing, how you were feeling, and what was happening around you. Over time, you’ll start to notice patterns that will help you recognize your triggers.

3. Observe Your Emotions: Emotions play a huge role in our decisions. Pay attention to how you feel when you have the urge to use. Are you stressed, sad, bored, angry? Identifying these emotions is key to managing them in a healthy way.

4. Identify People and Places: Sometimes, certain people or places can be triggers. If you always drank with a group of friends or in certain bars, it might be helpful to avoid those environments, at least initially. Find new places and activities where you can have fun without the temptation to use.

5. Set Boundaries: Don’t be afraid to set boundaries with the people around you. If someone pressures you to drink or use, it’s okay to say no. Surround yourself with people who respect your decision and support you on your journey to sobriety.

6. Plan Ahead: If you know you’re going to face a difficult situation, plan how to handle it. Have a list of alternative activities or people you can call for support. Having a plan will give you confidence and reduce anxiety.

7. Find Healthy Activities: Fill your life with activities you enjoy and that keep you busy. Exercise, hobbies, and spending time with friends and family who don’t use can be great ways to avoid triggers.

8. Don’t Punish Yourself: If you encounter a trigger and feel the urge to use, don’t punish yourself for it. It’s normal to have these feelings. The key is to recognize them and take steps to manage them. Celebrate your small victories and keep moving forward with determination.

Remember, identifying and managing your triggers is a crucial part of the recovery process. With every step you take, you’re getting closer to a full and healthy life. You can do this! Keep your head high and keep moving forward with strength. Your bright future is right in front of you!

How to Identify Triggers and Take Control Over Alcohol. By Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández

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