Limits of Forgiveness

Gentle as doves and cunning as serpents.
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It should be clarified that forgiving does not consist of agreeing with the offender when they are wrong and forgetting what happened, nor in repeatedly receiving the same injuries from the past without taking any action, which gives boldness to the transgressor.

- To easy forgiveness, frequent thief. 

- To forgive the wicked is to encourage them. 

- Forgiveness makes thieves. 

- He who does not punish evil commands it to be done. 

- Kill, for the king forgives. 

Nor is it to be lenient in applying measures that are part of our obligations.

- It offends the good to forgive the bad. 

- He harms the good who does not punish the bad.

- Having mercy on the panther is being unjust to the lambs.

- To forgive the wicked is to strike the good with a stick.

It is about freeing ourselves from the pain caused by resentment and hatred and being able to remember without pain.

- Forgiving is not forgetting, it is remembering without pain.

- No grudges, but with memory.

But taking the necessary measures to prevent transgressions that affect us or that are our responsibility to manage.

- Forgive your neighbor, but build a fence.


Forgiving does not mean justifying the offender, forgetting what happened, or accepting repeated offenses without taking action. Forgiving also does not imply being weak in the application of necessary measures. It is about freeing oneself from the pain caused by resentment and hatred, remembering without pain, but always taking the necessary precautions to prevent future transgressions.

Related entries: Forgiveness (First Part), Forgiveness (Second Part)

Home Page - Spanish - Setswana

Limits of Forgiveness by Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández (Rapula)

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