Life with Purpose I.

If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.

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Goals have a transcendent importance in our lives and are closely related to our well-being and happiness. They are the mental anticipation of the outcome towards which the activity is oriented.

- Today's goals determine where you will be tomorrow.

- You achieve what you aim for.

And the process of achieving them brings about significant changes in each person.

- What you get by achieving your goals is often not as important as what you become in the process.

Their absence is a major deviation that generates other misdirections and causes discomfort that can become particularly intense, making it incompatible with mental health.

- A life without purpose is a premature death.

- Not reaching goals causes frustration; not having them causes despair.

This condition can lead to vices intended to alleviate the discomfort caused by this void.

- He who does not know where he is going ends up anywhere.

- He who throws himself to the wind, the wind carries him away.

Without them, any means would be meaningless, making it impossible to achieve successful results.

- There are no achievements without goals.

- Means without ends are useless.

In their absence, the individual will find himself lost in relation to himself and generally misses opportunities and wastes his time by not knowing where to direct his efforts.

- Without goals and plans to reach them, one is like a ship that sets sail without a destination.

- There is no favorable wind for one who does not know where he is going.

- If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.

Goals can be unattainable, which is a form of disorientation, as there will be no effective means or procedures to achieve them. They are unrealizable because the means at hand are insufficient and ineffective.

- An unattainable goal means failure from its conception.

Although the goals that are not achievable today may become so tomorrow, and vice versa; those that are achievable today may not be tomorrow.

- It happens with events as with fruits, they must be eaten neither a day before they are ripe nor a day after. (José Martí)

One may have goals but lack personal commitment to them, which often causes dissatisfaction and unhappiness and leads to abandoning the struggle when facing pressures, preventing the necessary persistence to achieve them.

- Weakness of will or weakness of commitment to the objectives?

- Without passion for the goal, you can achieve good results, but not excellent ones.

- Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.

There may also be a lack of organization and plans to achieve them, which results in unnecessary losses of time and other resources.

- A goal without a plan is just a wish.

And finally, there may be an absence of concrete actions aimed at achieving them, making all prior planning useless.

- Desire alone is not enough.

- The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work; all day long he craves. (Proverbs 21:25-26)

- Efforts bring projects to fruition, not wishes; while the lion sleeps, no deer enters its mouth. (Panchatantra)


Goals have a transcendent importance in our lives and are closely related to our well-being and happiness. Moreover, the personal transformation we experience in the process of achieving them can be extraordinarily valuable, even more so than the goal itself.

In the absence of clear objectives, the individual misses opportunities and wastes valuable time. The absence of goals in life is incompatible with mental health and is experienced as extraordinarily disturbing. Goals must be achievable and supported by personal commitment and concrete plans to be effective. The lack of passion, organization, and actions aimed at achieving the goals makes any planning useless.

Related entries: Life with Purpose II.

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Life with Purpose I by Dr. Arturo José Sánchez Hernández.

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